sunnuntai 10. tammikuuta 2021

FT4 Digital on ShortWaves

JT1CO, Mongoliasta oli kuulolla

 During last days, I have tried to test a new mode for me, FT4. I found that FT8 segments are most time so crowded that there is not very easy to find a good place for digital QRP 😉 The activity has growing up especially on "new" 5 MHz -band - our QRP -band.

Most FT4 activity sounds to be on 20 meters band and 40 meters band, of course. More activity will be 15 and 10 meters when propagation conditions will improve, I think. 

Anyway, FT4 looks quit interesesting mode; very quick to make contacts and S/N is good as well: not much power needed to make DX. Last evening I had contacts with Japanese stations on 40 meters band. My signal was heard in the States too, but no one answered or called me - there might have been so called robot behind the "microphone" 

CU on my waterfall, 73

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