tiistai 14. helmikuuta 2023

28 MHz is open - nice chat with VARA


Fine QSO from Lappeenranta to St.Louis USA on 28 MHz VARA

The sun is going to the horizon, so I thought I'd check how the radio path is open on 28 MHz. And that was it - Mike (KB0FX) from St. Louis answered my call. At the beginning, it seemed that there would be a really short and somewhat difficult connection when I had a dB-reading of -20dB (see picture above). However, the SNR level improved soon after the QSO started, which also helped speed up the data transfer. VARA mode has proven to be very good for many kinds of communication, because it also has mailbox functions as well as various broadcasts to several stations at once. Without forgetting, of course, file transfer.

To these pictures and moods.....

73 / ARi

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