keskiviikko 27. helmikuuta 2013

JT9-1 nice contacts on 30 m band

Yesterday I spend much time with my Apollo 11 project and JT9-1 mode on HF-radio: both of them successful hi....
Apollo 11 is soon ready for launch and to orbit the Moon, and I found stations on 30 meter band using JT9. Most JT9-stations use JT65-HF frequencies on 10.138 and 10.139 MHz, but JT9-stations have a segment on 10.130 MHz. Before my operation I announced my efforts on Twitter and Hamspots -forum. After half an hour CQ-calls, I could make nice contacts with 2.5 Watts and GP-antenna with stations in the UK and Germany. I also checked other bands, but could not find any takers there.
Yes, as I mentioned, my Apoll 11 project is going well, and I shall make a larger story later on this blog - be patient.

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