perjantai 15. helmikuuta 2013


Yesterday I saw an article about a new mode, called JT9-1, in a digiforum. It sounded like a good weapon for QRP -activity: power less than 5 Watts. It took not much time to download the installation file and activate WSJT-X -programme on my laptop.
JT9 is something very similar to better known JT65-HF, so I tried to listen to same frequensies on 30, 20 and 10 meters, as JT65-users are doing. Finally, at 13.17 UTC on 28.076 MHz I made a contact with EA7HJ. Signal reports were -06 dB for me and +14 dB opponent. So, very strong signal from EA this time. I had only 2.5 W with vertical R-8 in use here.
Well, so great Valentine´s Day QSO for me. I am going to try more JT9 activity in the future. Even my logbook know that mode and most eQSL services - so why not try more?
See you on JT9 QRP!!

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