Hou, hou, hou.....
it is soon so called prime time - to watch the most spectacular match of football with millions of other people around the world.
Here in Finland the live stream can be watched during very early morning hours - between the midnight and 6 am. Despite of that many enthousiasts are ready for this match in their own livingrooms.
This year I have no problems to watch Super Bowl, because local TV-company send live stream without any encryption and I have extra days off in reserve, hi...
Well, I said that there is no problem - in fact there is one: my wife support Baltimore Ravens very hard and my favour team since 1989 has been...... SF49ers!
Just few hours before the firs kick and after that anything can happen.
Go 49ers Go -- Touchdown!!!
Asiaa ja ajankohtaista lähinnä kotikaupungin kyliltä ja kulmilta; joskus hieman kauempaakin.
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