sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2016

QRP test with MFJ-1621 -antenna

The first contact with MFJ-1621 (5 W) 

This morning I decided to test an interesting qrp-portable antenna by MFJ-company: MFJ-1621.
I bought this antenna some years ago and forgot it totally, until now.
Today I finally tuned it up and decided to try some WSPR on 30 meters band.
After making some tuning indoors I placed the antenna on table outdoors.
Well, after some transmitting period (5 Watts) I found reception report from a station in the UK (GM4SFW): 1878 km west of my QTH. The reception report -17 dB surprised me a little.

2016-01-17 13:22  OH5KUY  10.140247  -17  KP41db  +37  5.012  GM4SFW 

MFJ-1621 in action

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