Some days ago I found a really interestin "book" in my archive. I have always been a somekind of collector: stamps, First Day Covers, Bird Cards etc. The book, I found, reminds me Joe Montana and San Fransisco 49ers Football team in NFL league.
The book or should I say an album comes from the year 1989 and has over 100 stickers presenting all the best teams and best players during the season 1989. One of my American penfriend helped me to collect the album - otherwise it would have been a mission impossible here in Finland.
The next Super Bowl is coming closer and closer - my favour team SF 49ers are still in good shape there hi... and I hope to see them in finals. Of course, they will do that.
TOUCHDOWN for 49ers!!!
Asiaa ja ajankohtaista lähinnä kotikaupungin kyliltä ja kulmilta; joskus hieman kauempaakin.
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