tiistai 22. tammikuuta 2013

San Francisco 49ers - Super Bowl XXIII vs. XLVII

Well - Quest for Six is on the "good run" and the final goal Super Bowl XLVII is close. It is a time to take a look at the year 1989 and Super Bowl XXIII when 49ers won Cincinnati in a very exciting final: 20 - 16. Hope to see more touchdowns from 49ers this time.

I have compared 49ers from season 1988 upto this date player by player:

1989             <>                2012


Joe Montana (!)  <> Colin Kaepernick

Offensive tackle:
Harrison Barton <> Anthony Davis

Wide receiver:
Jerry Rice (!) <> Michael Crabtree

Running backs:
Roger Craig <> Frank Gore
Tom Rathman <> LaMichael James

Nose Tackle:
Michael Carter <> Isaac Sopoaga

Jeff Fuller <> Dashon Goldson
Ronnie Lott <> Donte Whitner

Punt returner:
John Taylor <> Ted Ginn jr.

Mike Cofer <> David Akers

.... just a few players to mentioned that I could remember from those dates.

And finally the best movements of the game. Something like this:

After the 49ers tie the score at 6-6 late in the third quater, Cincinnati´s Stanford Jennings returns the following kickoff 93 yards for a TOUCHDOWN!
Starting from their own 8-yard line and trailing 16-13 with just over three minutes left in the game, JOE MONTANA and JERRY RICE lead the 49ers to the Bengals´ 10-yard line. With 34 seconds showing on the clock, Montana splits the secondary and hits WR John Taylor for the winning score.
 Once again, the 49ers STRIKE GOLD!

If you was not able to watch that super game on January 22, 1989, take tickets and go to watch how the 49ers "shoot down" Ravens on February 3rd, 2013.

PS: so sorry - no photos here, because I have not copyrights for any pictures or other NFL-material.

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