maanantai 21. tammikuuta 2013

Big Games - SF 49ers - route to SuperBowl XLVII

Last evening (night) local time was a great game in schedule: SF 49ers met Atlanta Falcons in Conference finals. Here in Finland I could not watch the game live, because I have not any pay-TV active. That is not a big problem because I could "watch" the game on Internet.
The first quater was quit awfull for 9ers, but as I mentioned in my Twitter mail: "49ers will do it and take down Falcons". And they did it.
Baltimore Ravens had a very good match with Patriots in the other finals. I can be a little proud of the final result and Baltimore victory. I invested a little Euros for Ravens - in fact my wife guided me to do that. So thanks for her. Now I have a little more Euros to invest on Feb. 3rd in SuperBowl.
The only thing that I know is that there will be a very interesting match - both the teams are very motivated to catch SB.

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