keskiviikko 30. tammikuuta 2013

Lunar module Eagle - parked on the moon

Some weeks ago I announced a new project with APOLLO 11.
Finally I finished a models in 1:48 and 1:96 scale by Revell. After finishing the model I sent it immediately to the moon, to take some pictures. In fact I made some timetravel to the year 1969, July, when the original Eagle touched the surface of the Moon.
Since then, I have had a dream to make models of those fine space rockets and their equipment. It took over 30 years to wait, but everything has been worth it.
So here it is - my first photos "from moon": Eagle has landed - No problems Houston.....

Eagle is leaving the moon.

Eagle has parked on the moon. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin has just come down from the module.


Next, a little bigger project is just starting with Lunar module in scale 1:32 - a really BIG ONE!

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