sunnuntai 22. maaliskuuta 2020

JT65HF - strong mode

The propagation conditions are not very good on higher HF-bands nowadays. Despite of that there are a lot of stations on the bands - thank´s for COVID-19. CW and digital modes are the best weapons to catch signals on HF now. Most stations are using those new, quick modes like FT8 and FT4 - quick and rather an easy way to change calls, locator and signal report in less than one minute!
I like FT8 when working on 28 MHz or 144 MHz, and time to time on 433 MHz too. Other time when not active with my key, I like using those "oldtimers" like JT65 / JT9, just like this weekend. To complete one QSO, it takes about 6 minutes if everything goes well (not too much QSB, QRM etc) - but I have not any hurry to play with my radios 😁

Have a good time with all the digimodes! See you on my waterfall!

Nice catch with JT65HF on 20 mtrs

Not too much stations with JT65HF

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