maanantai 20. maaliskuuta 2017

Nice QRP -qso on 17 meters band

What a nice surprise on Short Waves: I tried to make some QRM with my IC-703 and an old R-8 vertical, running just 5 Watts.
I most cases the propagation is good enough to make a QSO with local or European stations - everything else is DX for me... hi.
I was just running some CQs on 18 MHz digimode JT65. I most cases I use JT9, but this time there was not any other activity on JT9 that I could even monitor.
Digimodes like JT65/ JT9 are good for me, because You can do something else at the same time when working on radio.
After working some European stations, I was amazed when I saw JF1FAO on my screen, calling me. So, amazed that I almost missed the QSO. Finally everything was OK and we had QSO without any problems.
The other nice thing was that I received QSL card from Japan almost at the same time when my last "over" was sent.

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