sunnuntai 15. tammikuuta 2017

FSQ - something different on shortwaves

FSQ-action - monitored by OH5KUY in kp41db

The condx sounded so poor, and I decited to try something new with my radio this weekend. I saw an interesting info about FSQ-tests on 30 meters band in  G+ by OH8STN. So, it was worth trying to make some monitoring of even QSO on this mode.
To monitor the FSQ -QRG (10.144 MHz) I decited to use FLDIGI -software that I had already in action on my computer. After checking some modem parameters, I was ready to go into action.
During my monitoring period 48 hours - I received four different stations on my waterfall: M0ARM, DL2GMS, PE4BAS, PA3DWC  - not much, but good start, I think.

My first qso on FSQ!!!!

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