keskiviikko 17. lokakuuta 2012

JT65 QRP activity

This morning I had some extra time for amateur radio, because of the rainy weather, hi. I found that there were many good signals on 28 MHz JT65 -segment. Many nice DX signals were received from JA, HS, VK -countries, just to few mention.
I tried to work some stations too. Obviously the propagation conditions were so interesting, that my signals went  somewhere into the space, because I could not work any stations during 2 hours period. Then I decited to test 21 MHz band: JA -station and some European stations aswered me immediately. The skip from my QTH was better here this time.
Next weekend will be JARTS -RTTY contest, so it is important to know that my QRP is doing well here!

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