sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012

Operating JARTS contest as OH5KUY/QRP

The annual JARTS -contest is running just now on the shortwaves. Thousands of radio amateur station are active.
This year I decited to try a little contesting in my home QTH here in Lappeeneranta; using just QRP power and R-8 vertical in my backyard. I tried to work only 15 and 10 meters band, because propagation condidions were quit good. A lot of strong signals were present - that was good. The only bad thing was that my signal was too weak between those strong QRO signals. So, there were not many "takers" for my QRP.
Anyway, this was a good challenge and I could work some couple of stations: a log will be send to the contest HQ hi...
There are still some hours contesting time, maybe I shall be able to improve my score when stations will hear also those weak signals to improve their score as well.


今年はLappeenerantaここで私のホームQTH争うことを少し試してみdecited;ちょうどQRPパワーと私の裏庭にR-8を使用して垂直伝播condidions良い辞めので、私は、唯一の15と10メートルのバンドを仕事にしようとしました。強い信号の多くが存在していた - それはよかった唯一の悪い点は、私の信号はそれらの強力なQRO信号間の弱すぎるということでした。だから、私のQRPのための多くの"受験"がありませんでした。



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