torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012

CW-QSO on 28 MHz by OH5KUY

Yesterday I decited to try something very traditional way to make QSOs on radio amateur bands: I activated my CW -key. Yes, I relly selected CW-mode and activated my key from "hibernation". I have spend too much time with so called "keyboard modes" like RTTY, PSK, JT65 etc. Tuning into CW was very interesting after long time.
I knew that there was quit good CONDX on 10 meters band, so I moved to near QRP calling frequency 28.060 MHz. Actually, I worked on 28.062.50 MHz using just 5 Watts with my vertical R-8 antenna.
Well, three OMs from England heard my signals and aswered, thank you, QSLs are coming: G4GGZ, G4LJU and G3KAN.

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