sunnuntai 26. tammikuuta 2020

Good digital morning ! SIM31

So many stations to work with...

SIM31 acticity on 40 meters !

The Russian Digital Radio Club (RDRClub) arranged a special activity time for a little rarely used digital modes. This time we had a pleasure to meet other stations using SIM31 -mode.

Since the start of FT8 / FT4 -modes, it has been a little difficult to find stations using other modes. Most activity is just on FT8 frequencies - so quick and easy mode.

SIM31 -activity took place yesteday (saturday) from early morning till evening local time here. There were a plenty of stations. Most ones were on 40 meters and 20 meters, but I could find a couple of them on 30 meters too!

Thank you for the activity like this. Waiting for the acticity days for other digital modes too.

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