sunnuntai 23. lokakuuta 2016

SIM31 - a powerfull mode for QRP


This weekend I had a good time to make some QRM on HF-bands with my Icom IC-703 transceiver and R8 -vertical antenna. Most QSOs I have made recently on JT9 or JT65 -modes - this time it was a good time to test something new.  It was time for SIM31.

Last winter and spring I tried SIM31, but then I forgot it. Until last week I found the SIM31 software on my computer and decided to check whether there are any HAM who uses this mode - hi..

After installing the latest updates I was ready to go into action. Updating was were easy job; after starting the program it checked  the version, and asked me to update. There was direct link to the update page and after downloading the latest one it was  easy to unzip the new version into the installing directory on my computer. Now, everything was ready - I had all my personal infos ready there.

On weekend there were quit many stations active on this mode too. Most of them from Europe. The only DXes that I found were from Tunis (one station) and the USA (two stations).

Quit many stations announced there power level more than 10 Watts, someone even 50 Watts!! I think that 10 - 20 Watts should be the maximum power level for these modes. My IC provide  10 Watts, so I decited to use that "QRO" power. Most time I am working with my FT-817 with power levels 1 - 5 Watts - that´s funny, believe me.

There is one interesting action mode in SIM31 program: the Automatic CQ. Yes, you can leave your computer, go to do some gardering, take SAUNA bath or something else -and your computer make QSOs all time. Most stations seems to use that "Semi automatic QSO -mode". Of course we must remember what our regulations says about leaving our staions unattended!

Yes - after JT-modes this SIM31 is really worth trying. Hope to see You there and on my waterfall!


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