sunnuntai 16. lokakuuta 2016

Working some QRP

JT9 working QRP

This weekend I have made some "QRM" on HF-bands with my QRP-gears. It sounds and looks fine hi... The picture, above, shows my latest contact with CT1FBK. You can barely hear or even see the signal, but JT9 decodes  signal 100%. The arrows in  the picture shows my QSO and the thin line that you can hardly see on my waterfall display; -27 dB is not much! This kind of QSOs I like much.

I also tried other QRP-modes (as I call them): OPERA, JT65, SIM31, WSPR. For me it was interesting to find that there were stations on OPERA and SIM31 - and I managed to make some interesting contacts there too. WSPR-mode is very active all times and it is very good way to check how QRP-signals travel in ionosphere hi..

73/ ARi

LOC: kp41db / ...-.-

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