sunnuntai 2. toukokuuta 2010

How about D-Stars?

Two years ago I had a pleasure to meet a local ham, who showed something new: D-Star radio and the network. That time there were only two sets of radios here; the same operator owned them all. In our club meeting D-Star was demonstrated with those two radio - the network was down.

Now, almost three years later, the amount of local D-Star operators is qually the same than two years ago - so, quit many local contacts are impossible to do. In fact, the amount of active D-Star operators seems to be quit stable in Finland.

I am monitoring D-Star network quit often, because the local 2 meter band is dead as well as 70 cm. Early morning or late evening there are the same mobile stations on the air. Thanks for the local R-Net -link I can hear those stations with an excellent audio here.

From my viewpoint hamradio isn´t realible, dialup contacts - more like random contacts; never knows who answers CQ.

Anyway, please keep tuned!

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