tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2016

SIM31 - my first QSO on this mode!

There is so beautiful weather just now outdoors that I decided to spend some time with my radio(s). I checked band info's in HamSpots service and found there something interesting. There were active stations on SIM31 -mode.
I had installed this software some times ago, but never tried it seriously. This mode is good for QRP (low power) operating, so why not test it. Of course, most activity is on 20 meters band so I tuned into there too.  Before that I made a short visit on 10 meters band and checked all macros etc. there.
Soon after moving back to 20 meter (14.067 MHz) I found that my 5 Watts was received in France by F5RRS.
One more try and I found a strong (40 Watts) signal from Ukraine by UT5XR. He answered me immediately and it was pleasure to read solid text on my screen. First QSO on this mode was ready.
Sounds so good that must use it more often.

My QSO on SIM31 (the first one for me)

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