torstai 4. helmikuuta 2016

Nice QSO with a station in New Zealand - only 0.5 Watts!

Well, just to show how the Magic Band works: less than 1 Watts (abt. 0.5 W)  and QSO was ready with a station in New Zealand, as shown below. My signal in New Zealand was just -29 dB (SNR). I heard ZL2ABN quit well - SNR -14 dB - although there was only 0.5 Watts in use too.
16857 km is also quit good distance between these two station.

2016-02-04 13:34  OH5KUY  10.140137  -29  0  KP41db  0.5  ZL2ABN  RE78kv  16857  61 

 2016-02-04 13:38  ZL2ABN  10.140144  -14  0  RE78kv  0.5  OH5KUY  KP41db  16857  326
(magic band = 30 metres or 10 MHz  - as you like )

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