tiistai 4. helmikuuta 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII

Well, well... last Sunday (local Monday night) played Super Bowl XLVIII. Our local "NelonenPro (4Pro)" showed all the campaign in live again. Thanks 4Pro for this awesome service.
Although the final scores were 43-8, the game itself was very exciting, as all Super Bowls in general. This time there were absolutely two best teams of last season; the best offence against the best defense.
Seattle Seahawks showed that without good defense, you can not win the match. This time the best offensive was not good enough to give the trophy for Denver Broncos.
Last year an other "bird team", Baltimore Ravens took the championship and now the other one: Seahawks. How about after next season? Still more bird teams hi....
Anyway, my wife gave me good tips and I made my bets for Seahawks! Some extra cash now. Last year I did not hear her, because I was sure that my favour, 49ers, take the trophy

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