keskiviikko 7. marraskuuta 2012


Last weeks I have enjoyed making QSOs on CW, using just 5 Watts or less power. Most QSOs I have made on 28 MHz band; I hope to make at least one QSO/day, although the coditions on 10 meter varies a lot.
Yesterday I had a pleasure to have two QSOs with stations in Ireland. Conditions during my QSO with Artur, EI7GMB, were not very good, but CW is strong enough for bad conditions too. Artur reportet heavy QRM, but I did not suffer from any QRM. Later in the evening Artur sent me an email, and described how Russian Taxis caused QRM. Radiowaves are interesting - I could not hear any voices here, but in Ireland all Moscow and St. Peterburg taxi calls were audible.
Anyway, CW is very good and interesting way to make QSOs - I like it more and more day after day. And the best thing is that SWL-stations (Short Wave Listener) are also active on CW as you can see in this other card below.

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