Well, I am not sure how to say this, because I like operating QRP and all mode devoted for it. Since the first quater of this year when ROS was officially published I have tested it regularly here in Lappeenranta. I have not counted how many QSOs I have made, because my logbook doesn´t know that mode. Same problem with one electronic QSL-service, called LoTW. I know that this mode is not officially accepted in many forums, but it works FB and the software is updated very often. Almost every time when I start my ROS on my computer, I found that I am not using the latest BETA version hi... Why Beta, why not real stable one...?
Some days ago, I found that there are a new club for this mode. That´s not surprise, because there are so many different clubs on "radiowaves" hi.. Well, I decited to join to the club also, but the answer was quit interesting that I receiced - for some reason they couldn´t accept my membership application. No any reasons was mentioned. Anyway that´s not problem. I am going to use this mode time to time in the future too, despite of the club rank hi.... Happy QRPing for everyone.
Asiaa ja ajankohtaista lähinnä kotikaupungin kyliltä ja kulmilta; joskus hieman kauempaakin.
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