keskiviikko 3. maaliskuuta 2010

Working QRP

Working QRP (less than 5 Watts) is very relaxing and enjoying way to communicate via radiowaves, isn´t it?
I have both QRP and QRO stations, but most of time I spend with my QRP setups.
There are still some facts in amateur world that I cannot understand very well. I understand it quit well, that some stations cannot live without QRO-signals and they must be first everywhere in the shortwaves. But, why they have to work on chanels/ frequencies that are dedicated just for qrp-contacts? It is OK if they share the fun by working with QRPers, but two QROs is absolutely one too much!
The other way is just to use absolutely too much power with modes that works best with low power levels like ROS, JT65A etc.
DXing isn´t any reason to use QRO in any terms, I think. Most talent operators can be found in QRP or even SWL -categories. A good operating habit should be 98% listening and 2% or less working (=> making QRM).

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