maanantai 8. maaliskuuta 2010

Bad luck for DXing...

Well, last evening I had a real bad luck when trying some QRP on 14 MHz Hell-mode. Just, before the sunset I decited to try so called grayline contact and listen to the bands. I made some QRM on 14.063 MHz. My cellular called I had to answer, becaue the number was known for me. Most time, I don´t answer for numbers that I don´t know. There was one OT from our radio club - he had some problems with the internet connection and Windows 2000. At the same time I found interesting signals on my "waterfall"; station from Canada (VK) and USA (WG4) had QSO, and there were also other European stations nearby.
My telephone connection took almost one hour, so I missed this good opportunity to get some new calls into my log.
That´s life.

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