maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2020

Working digi ...

Russian Digital Radio Club
If you like working "digi" and want to find something more interesting than FT8 or FT4 on the HF-bands. So, the good address to visit is RDRC (Russian Digital Radio Club).

You can find there a lot of different kind of activities around digimodes. My favorite is the 01-10 events on May and January. Club members are active on so called "rare modes" like Olivia, Thor, Throb, Hell, MT63 etc. During those ten days there are - yes - ten different modes on the air: only one mode a day. That´s good 24 hours period. Of course, this event is not only for club members - everyone interested in "Digi" are welcome to take part in.

For me, I have had a pleasure to try / test totally different modes. I have tried some of them time to time, but  there have not been any stations to work ;-) This nice event make change for this.

CU on Digi

73 es QSH 

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