keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2011

Very QRP on 80 mtrs band (ITE-activity)

Yes, there was a very radioamateur devoted activity on ham bands last sunday, at 11.00 - 13.00 local time. The activity was called ITE. ITE-activity encouraged operators to use non commercial rigs. I found my old QRP-kit in a good safe in my shack. I built it in mid 1990s, so it was time to make first QSO.
I am very pleased to say, that I managed to have three QSOs during those two hours. I couldn´t move on band, because I have only one crystal for 3579.5 kHz. So, my only hope was that the other operators find that frequency and hear my low power signal. I had only 1 Watt in use (max.).
That kind of activities should be more, I think. Not, any competitions, just fun with radios.

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