tiistai 22. maaliskuuta 2011

New toys in hamshack

Yes, right time in right place. Two weeks ago, I managed to buy a second hand QRP-transceiver, Icom IC-703. The rig has not 6 meters band, but I can use my other QRP-rig, FT-817, there if necessary. As most of QRP-hams know, IC-703 is quit a legendary transceiver.
I couldn´t believe that this rig was in such a good condition  - like direct from a local dealers storage. During last weeks I have tested IC in many ways: working digital modes, CW, phone (SSB) etc. DSP-unit and narrow CW-filter, makes communication much comfortable. IC´s antennatuner makes excellent job, so I don´t need an external unit for tuning antennas. That is good, because my QRP-automatic tuner is ready for FT-817, which has not build in tuner.
Well, some hundred of Euros is not bad price for that kind of rig, isn´t it!

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