Well, years ago I purchased a registration key for RCKRtty v.2 software. I ran many contests with that software. I works FB even today although I have not upgraded it to version v.3.
Last week I decited to find something new for the JARTS contest. I found RCKLog -software (freeware!!) by DL4RCK.
That was a good choice, because I could take the software into action in a few minutes. Right - no need for reading the manual; just install the programme and enjoy hi...
After installation I rebooded computer, wrote my personal infos (call, name etc), select a new logfile for Jarts and activated the contest section with JARTS rules and F-keys. So, easy.
MMTTY -engine works very fine on rtty - no need for special modems or other. During the contest hours I had not any problems with the software. Even the "hard" paper work was very easy after the contest.
Thank you for the nice contest software (freeware), DL4RCK.
Asiaa ja ajankohtaista lähinnä kotikaupungin kyliltä ja kulmilta; joskus hieman kauempaakin.
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tiistai 18. lokakuuta 2011
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