tiistai 18. lokakuuta 2011


Well, years ago I purchased a registration key for RCKRtty v.2 software. I ran many contests with that software. I works FB even today although I have not upgraded it to version v.3.
Last week I decited to find something new for the JARTS contest. I found RCKLog -software (freeware!!) by DL4RCK.
That was a good choice, because I could take the software into action in a few minutes. Right - no need for reading the manual; just install the programme and enjoy hi...
After installation I rebooded computer, wrote my personal infos (call, name etc), select a new logfile for Jarts and activated the contest section with JARTS rules and F-keys. So, easy.
MMTTY -engine works very fine on rtty - no need for special modems or other. During the contest hours I had not any problems with the software. Even the "hard" paper work was very easy after the contest.
Thank you for the nice contest software (freeware), DL4RCK.

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