tiistai 4. heinäkuuta 2017

FSQ - QSO party on 40 mtr band

PE4BAS announced on his wep site last weekend that he organized FSQ activation weekend on 40 meters band. I found that info early sunday morning and decided to take part in the happening immediately.
This time I used my "QRO" transmitter (Icom IC-703 / 10 Watts) with G5RV antenna, hidden in my garden hi... Not very good setup for hunting DX, but good enough to work FSQ.

FSQ on progress on 40 mtrs band, July 2, 2017 by oh5kuy

I was active, or should I say that my radio was active from early morning till late evening on 40 meters band. You do not need to watch on your radio or screen all the time when working on FSQ, that is good, I think.
During my activation hours I managed to hear nine (9) different stations on FSQ: look at the picture and the heard-list there (top right corner). This weekend there were RTTY-contest at the same time, so the working conditions were very challenging time to time.
The best contact was obviously with G3CWI (Richard) at 19:32 UTC. I could watch how he asked my "heard-list" and tuned my "systems" from 4.5 baud for 2 baud etc. This time I had not any "chat" with other stations.
Waiting for the next activation.

73/ ARi

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